My POSSE Philosophy

There are lots and lots of thoughts and opinions out there about when and where to publish and share things online. Over the last few years though I think that I’ve settled on something nearing or adjacent to POSSE. POSSE stands for Publish On your own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. You’ve probably noticed that actually as I’ve taken to publishing something here on the blog every day. I usually publish here, very late at night, and then share the links elsewhere. I’m sharing this philosophy because while it isn’t new, I think more people could benefit from this type of sharing. Yes, there might be some things that aren’t tailor-made for the blog, but all-in all I think it’s helpful and important to have control over your thoughts and ideas. Social media is great, but we don’t own what we put there, so it’s good to make sure you can access that content somewhere else.

I’m toying with how to employ this method or philosophy even more, so you’ll likely notice some positive changes to the blog.

Here’s a great explanation of POSSE.

What are your thoughts on things like this? I’m curious!

Until tomorrow!

A Productivity White Paper I've Enjoyed

I do a lot of reading, watching, and listening about productivity. It’s something that I’m very, very interested in and have been for awhile now. In fact, as I’m working to expand my coaching and consulting offerings, I’m hoping to be a resource for those who are interested in creating systems for thinking and how to be a more productive person. More on that soon! In any case, I wanted to share a productivity white paper that I discovered recently by one of my favorite writers, Patrick Rhone. You can read it here. I’m planning to write my own productivity white paper of sorts and of course I’ll share it here once it is done. I’m curious to know what you think about the article I shared. It’s fairly old so of course some things will be outdated, but I think the principles are the same and ones that Patrick still uses. Do you worry about productivity?

Until tomorrow!

Recent Podcast Guest Appearances


A few wonderful people have been nice and invited me onto their podcasts and it was awesome. Most recently I was on the Classical Guitar Insider podcast. This is probably one of the first podcasts that I ever listened to and I still listen to it almost 8 years later. It was a dream of sorts to be on the show. You can listen to it here.


Also, I was on epsoide number 44 of the Penguin Latte podcast. Paul and I had a great discussion about art. You can listen to it here.

Thank you to each of you for inviting me on. I love this stuff and hope to do more.

Until tomorrow!

My 2021 Camp NaNoWriMo Project

It’s that time of year! Camp NaNoWriMo time. I had always heard of NaNoWriMo but never really participated because I never wanted to publicly commit to the 50k project and although that’s not necessarily a requirement, I think that’s part of ‘winning’ it. Anyways, last year I participated in April’s Camp NaNoWriMo where I blogged for 30 days straight. That was a big deal for me then as my blog had been on a hiatus for two years at the time.

I plan to do the real NaNoWriMo this year and am going to do the camps as well. For my camp project for April I’m going to be working on my dissertation prospectus. I’d love to write something much cooler, but trying to make sure I get my words in for that since that’s one of my big goals for right now.

I’ve announced my project on the website and will get to updating it once it starts. If you’d like to know my username, let me know and I’ll add you!

Looking forward to getting this thing done!

Until tomorrow.

Your Regularly Scheduled Program Has Returned

As you might have guessed, things are back to *normal*! I was taking a huge exam for school last week and as much as I wanted to be writing for this, my daily blog, I decided that I needed to take the time to focus on that and now that it’s over, these posts are back. I have so much to share with you, as always so be on the lookout for all of it!

To the beautiful people who have, yet again, supported my blog on ko-fi, thank you. I appreciate you so much!

Until tomorrow!

February 2021 Polyglot Pursuits Update

I said this somewhere recently, but I’ve finally been able to get back into my polyglot pursuits. As with anything in life there are ebbs and flows and language practice is one of those things for me. It’s not that language learning or practice isn’t a priority because it is! But by the end of day, sometimes I just don’t have it in me which is why I’ve taken to reorganizing the structure if my days in order to make sure that I get some practice in. I’ve also taken a no amount is too small approach which has helped a lot! With this approach even if I only have 5-10 minutes to study, I count that as a win because ultimately I know that slow practice over a long period of time will help to build fluency. 

Another thing that I’ve done is be more open about this passion of mine. Yes, I’ve talked about it on the blog but I’ve integrated language learning into my YouTube and twitch content so that it’s always at the forefront of my mind. Plus, I want to share this journey that I’m on. 

My two primary focuses are on Spanish and French. Once I get to my desired level with these, I’ll add in others. 

One of my upcoming YouTube videos will go over this too. 

Until tomorrow!

Mid-February 2021 Reading Update

Well, it’s the middle of February and instead of being in the middle of the Frederick Douglas biography, I’m about 1/7th of the way through that and have started 3 other books. Needless to say unless there is a miracle of sorts, I probably won’t finish the Douglass book this month, but I’ll have started a finished a few others, so that’s okay with me!

I often set very high goals for myself in terms of things that I can accomplish. I’d say most of the time I’m downright unrealistic about what I can accomplish in a month, but nevertheless we persist!

On the first of each month I’ll post a reading recap for the previous month, so you can look forward to that to see what I actually get done.

If you’d like to support the blog you can always share or visit my Ko-fi page.

Until tomorrow!

Learned Something Today

I stumbled into a docu-series called On Pointe on Disney+. It’s about the School of American Ballet and I learned about Maria Tallechief. I’m by no means well-versed in ballet so it was great to learn about her. This article is great.

Until tomorrow!