30 Day Music Challenge Part #1

I love, love a good 30 day challenge. I’ve, mostly unsuccessfully, tried to run a multitude of 30 challenges and experiments. In an effort not to overload myself with anymore challenges than what I already have going right now, I wanted to do this 30 Day Music Challenge, but in 2 days.

Why 2 days? Well, I found this list today, pictured below, but want to spend some time tomorrow building a playlist so that I can share that completed list with you all. So tomorrow you can expect a list and playlist of all of the songs from this challenge. So it’s less of a challenge and more of an opportunity to just share some music with you.

Let me know what you think of challenges like this. I’ve seen lots of them floating around and am pretty pumped to do this one, even if I do it all in 2 days.



P.S. Found this on here.