This is My Focus

To no ones surprise, I have plenty of ideas for this blog and other things. I have scraps of paper, endless markdown files across numerous apps, tabs open on all my browsers, saved snippets, and yet I still am not sure what to write today.

All I know though is that I want to write and post something, so here I am.

I’ve decided that moving forward most of the things that I will create will be centered and focused around this blog with the exception of the podcast, which I become more and more obsessed with each passing day.

Why focus here?

Because I love blogging. I love this platform. I love blogs probably as much as I love podcasts and while I do love YouTube and the video medium, there is just something about a good podcast or blog that are made for me. This means that instead of writing something for Instagram or Twitter, I’ll probably make a post here on the blog. In due time I’ll go back to using those platforms more regularly, my goal is to write, podcast, and make art and community which I can do without feeling the pressure to tweet 50 times a day. So that is where my focus will be.