Why I’m Hosting a #musochat about Reopening


I love Twitter. I’ve learned so much about the world and gained so many wonderful relationships from the people I follow there. I will also be the first to say that Twitter isn’t always a great place and I do leave it from time to time because it IS toxic at times. Even with that in mind, I still think it is a great place to have some conversations. 

As of late, I’ve noticed that the world is ‘opening back up’ and while that’s fine, I don’t think enough people are talking about it and considering their entire communities in these conversations. So I want to talk about it on Twitter because that seems like the perfect place. #musochats are like open, crowd-sourced conversations. 

On 5/16/21 at 9 PM EDT I’m going to be hosting a 10 question #musochat conversation about what exactly reopening means, how we can have difficult conversations about it, and what that means for artists and our communities. I’m excited about it! 

I’m also facilitating a similar conversation with Jess Griggs on 5/20 as part of the [Working Title] series hosted by the Austin Emerging Arts Leaders.