Don’t Start a Book Before Bed

I’ve been in the habit of reading before falling asleep at night. It’s been a great thing and I very much enjoy it. I started doing this semi-regularly about two years ago and although I fall off the habit sometimes, it is a habit that I cannot recommend enough if you enjoy reading.

That said.

I often finish books during these late night hours and want to start a new book because I’m not usually tired enough to sleep. I recently discovered something though. I discovered that this is the worst possible time to want to start a new book. Something about starting a new book immediately after finishing another one while it’s pitch black outside just doesn’t work. It’s like my mind and eyes just can’t handle it. I’m sure there is a reason for this, but I came here to tell you that if you are like me and finish books late into the night, just go to bed. Starting a book with a fresh set of eyes and a new mind makes a world of difference.