Reading Topics for 2022

I’m not really a person who keeps a set to be read (TBR) list. While I think that they’re great and useful for some, I really want my reading to be fun and spontaneous and I want to leave room for serendipity. I don’t think that I could really do that AND keep a rigid list of books that I am ‘supposed’ to read after I’ve finished my latest book. This does not mean that I don’t have books that I want to read during the year, I’ll share this in another post. It just means I give myself the freedom and permission to read what I want when I feel like it.

With that said, there are topics that I want to read and learn about this year. This will be the first time that I write down and apply some sort of structure and intentionally to my reading. What is strange about this is that I tend to read about all of these things and engage with these topics without thinking about it because I am interested in them already!

Nevertheless here are the list of topics that I hope to read and learn about in 2022:

1. Indigenous People

2. Residential Schools

3. Environmentalism

4. Sustainability

5. Prison Abolition / Mass Incarnation

6. Music

7. Racial Justice

8. Black History

9. Animal Rights

There are obviously a lot more things that I hope to read and learn about over the next year and the next few years. These are just a few of the things that will help guide some of my reading.

Updates forthcoming!