Announcing Marginal Glitch Records, My New Record Label

TLDR: I started a record label and the first release will feature some of my awesome guitar friends and colleagues. Pre-orders will be up this week Bandcamp which you can find here.

If you haven’t already noticed, I am a person who likes to do to things. For many, many years I have wanted to do something that would benefit myself as a recording artist, but others so along time ago I decided that I would one day start a record label. Record labels, and for good reasons, often receive a bad reputation from the artist community for their often predatory and abusive practices and treatment of artists. This and the spirit of do-it-yourself culture has made it so that artist do not have to depend on a record label to have a viable and sustainable career. Yet, it is still difficult to create a career when you are doing it all yourself and small, independent labels continue to be a critical resource for many. Independent labels help you do it yourself, but better.

I wanted to start a label, in short, to be helpful and build community. Much of what I do and believe in revolves around community. I think there is great power and strength in being a part of a community and creating a group of artists who believe in and wish to support each other’s music. This is where starting the label comes into play. I envision the label as being an outlet for many artists and myself to create some cool music and do it because other people support it.

So the name of my brand new record label is Marginal Glitch Records.

Why the name Marginal Glitch Records? Well, it sounds cool. Our mission and vision is to produce music that creates a glitch in the margins. This means that we will support music that is a weird, gnarly, adventurous, and create a space for those who have not been supported by other labels which is often a result of marginalization of some sort.

In case you were wondering, yes, we aim to be a profitable endeavor because artists deserve to and will be paid as a result of working with the label. Making art costs money and should be compensated appropriately so that is what we will do. We’re going to do a few things differently including supporting artists who release music across labels or independently, commissioning projects, working in various phases of production, etc.

To sum it all up, this is terrifying and exciting. Definitely more terrifying than exciting. It’s funny to think back to how this was a dream I’ve had since I was a teenager, I was a weird teenager clearly, and seeing it come to life all these years later. I’m not really sure what the future or journey looks like exactly, but I believe in this work and am just going to follow that.

If you are interested in releasing music with us, please get in touch.

More to come!